“Hostess with the Mostess” was the theme for Steph’s Packed Lunch Channel 4 TV programme aired live on 20th May 2021, and I was one of the guests invited to show off some of my artwork!

I was contacted a few days before the shows scheduled air time, asking if I would be available to appear on the UK daytime Live TV show “Steph’s Packed Lunch” on Channel 4 with Steph McGovern. I wasn’t to sure if this was actually real or a wind up at first but after looking into a little more…. it was real!

We went through lots and lots of questions, to ensure I was available to make it to the studio in Leeds in 48 hours time and that I had adequate items to showcase on the day etc.

I was still unsure if it would actually go ahead as I know that the media is so fast moving they can switch/move/cancel things at the last minute, so I only did some prep work while waiting for the script editors final approval. I received the greenlight at 3pm on Wednesday and then it was panic station time (the show was tomorrow!) I needed to pack lots of products for the stall and drive to Leeds which is 376 miles north from here in Cornwall. It took me 2 hours to pack the car, and I left Cornwall at 5pm and made it to the Hotel at 12.30am the next morning (stopping for a quick break in Gloucester to see my brother, sister-in-law and nieces) and surprise them with the news.

So 7am, I was up and having breakfast ready to be collected at 9am to get to the studio with lots of glassware packed in travel suitcases.

There were two other stalls that were also appearing along side myself and we all had only a short amount of time to setup our showcase ready table for 10.30am where the camera and studio crew could attach some microphones, adjust the camera angles, and sound checks ready for our LIVE 1.30pm appearance.

It was all very fast moving and I barely had chance to even say hi to the other two stall guests right next to me, but at around 11.30am we had to stop, leave the studio so they could use the space for other guests and live filming. So it was chance to have a cuppa, meet the other stall guests and update social media with our mega exciting news!

Up to this point I was fine and excited and reasonably OK with what to say to some of the questions that may get asked. There was a short TV advert break just before 1.30pm which was our 2minute time window to have our tables moved back into the studio, re-adjust them and be ready for go live! I remember standing next to the table with Steph on the opposite side who was talking to the cameras when the advert break had finished. She did the introduction talk of the “Hostess with the Mostess” and I was then starting to get nervous and my heart rate was going through the roof…. I was talking to myself saying breathe! just breathe and convince myself not to have some kind of panic attack live on TV lol.

Luckily, I did not freeze or collapse into some kind of mess from being live on TV and my voice was already being a little croaky from talking most of the morning, but it went well. I will be the first to say that I am not a natural talker behind the camera and TV presenting is definitely not on my career list for the future! But I loved it!

If you would like to watch the TV show, the shortened edited version is below.

After the show had finished which was just after 2pm, we were able to pack up, grab a few selfies with the celebs and head back to the car and start to make the long 7 hour drive home back to Cornwall.

All the studio crew were absolutely amazing and friendly as well as the TV presenters. It was an experience that I will never forget and very excited that I was able to be part of the show. So thank you to Channel 4 and everyone at Steph’s Packed Lunch 🙂