We love seeing your products in their new homes, so here is a gallery showing photos direct from Instagram customers that have tagged us. Please follow us on Instagram using the links below.

Lavender everything 💜 ...

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A bit of product photography today in the sunshine for @davidperryglassceramics - the trouble with using yummy food as props is that i want yo eat it all afterwards 😋 ...

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oranjwine natural wine bar have teamed up with glassette founder iamlaurajackson and bespoke ceramicist brand davidperryglassceramics to create the ultimate summer hampers, combining design with a choice of chillable red or orange wines.
#interiors #wine #design #pattern #colour #bespoke #london #summer #hamper #giftideas

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COLOUR RECIPES - one of the key questions I ask any new client is `how do you want to feel in a space`.

It`s really important to understand the emotional impact colour has on you and how it informs the design of a room. I love playing with unexpected colour combinations, and mixing prints with a variety of textures and winks of details. Pulling your entire being into the space, far beyond just painting the walls. The layers of a room are what might make you feel relaxed, joyful, energetic or calm.

Just as your favourite cake recipe, a little too much of this or not enough of that and it`s all wrong. I love nothing more than using my breadth of expertise to help you bring colour with confidence into your home.

If you would like to discuss the tailored packages we offer both nationally and internationally, get in touch at appreciationproject.co.uk

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💚 ...

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If #midcenturymodern is your thing, here’s how to build a room, the Glassette way.

#midcentury #midcenturyfurniture #midcenturyhome #midcenturymodernhome #midcenturydecor #homedecor #homesweethome

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I wrote about a special place in Wales, which has some wonderful examples of residential modernist architecture, in the upcoming issue of Cara Magazine. Available from a Welsh-language book store near you.
‘Yn 1945, cafwyd un o gyfraniadau mwyaf sylweddol America i bensaernïaeth fodernaidd ryngwladol: y Case Study Houses. Prosiect a gychwynnwyd gan y cylchgrawn Arts and Architecture oedd hwn, i ddylunio 28 tŷ prototeip, isel eu cost ac arbrofol eu ffurf, a fyddai’n adlewyrchu uchelgais cenhedlaeth newydd o benseiri yn y cyfnod wedi’r rhyfel… Ond mae yna le unigryw yma yng Nghymru sydd bron iawn yn arddangosfa nodedig o bensaernïaeth breswyl fodernaidd.’
Mae fy erthygl ar bensaernïaeth fodernaidd Dinas Powys i’w weld yn rhifyn nesaf Cylchgrawn Cara.
#casestudyhouses #odonnelldesign #teak #slowlived #Welshmodernism #DinasPowys #HirdandBrooks #GrahamBrooks #Merevale #casestudyhouses #modernism #60shouses #70shouses #midcenturymodern #danisharchitecture

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