David was born and lived in Gloucestershire starting his career making spectacles in a factory, then a pensions administrator for a large corporate company which then led into I.T. for over 15 years. He eventually moved to Penryn in Cornwall in 2011 and worked in Penzance where he continued in the I.T. role, however living by the sea and adapting to the Cornish way of life, meant he soon wanted to explore life a lot more which also included scuba diving. In Nov 2017, David quit his normal office based job and decided to explore his creative side by going self employed, starting with photography but also making art using fused glass (and also ceramics from Jan 2020).

2018/2019 has been a learning phase, with photography (Perchance Photography) currently studying and aiming to achieve a LRPS (Licentiate of The Royal Photographic Society). In April 2019 he built his own home workshop dedicated to glass/ceramics where he can continue to learn and create more artwork.
Instagram – PerchancePhotography
Website – PerchancePhotography.uk

Fused Glass/Ceramic Artwork can be purchased from the website menu links. David was also a member of a shared gallery space in an old converted railway station just outside of St.Agnes in Cornwall for 2 years called St.Agnes Station Crafts. Unfortunately in March 2020 this Gallery had to close due to the Corona Virus Pandemic where people had to self isolate. In these conditions, it was just not possible to keep it going and sadly closed.

2021 May 20th – Appeared on UK daytime Channel 4 TV programme “Steph’s Packed Lunch” with Steph McGovern showcasing some of his artwork. Click here to read more.

2022 July – Completion of the hand built pottery studio

2022 March – Started Life Drawing Modelling
Instagram – LifeModelDP
Website – LifeDrawingCornwall.uk
All links – https://linktr.ee/davidperryuk


April 2019

Self-made workshop/studio in Cornwall, home to my dedicated Fused Glass Kiln & Pottery Kiln



Jan 2017
1/2 day photography workshop with Carla Regler in Porthleven, Cornwall

June 2018 – Current
Student at South West Photography School in Bodmin
(2 year course) – studying for a
Licentiate of The Royal Photographic Society


Jan 2020
Self teaching using a variety of educational materials.

May 2020
Purchased a larger kiln specifically for pottery/ceramics


Oct 2017 – Feb 2019
Workshop member at Stained Glass and Pottery (Nadia Miller) in St.Agnes, Cornwall

April 2018 – April 2020
Gallery member at St Agnes Station Crafts, Cornwall

Masterclass Tutorials
I have also attended the following:

Numerous books/online tutorials with Bob Leatherbarrow
Several online tutorials with Paul Messink
Several books and online tutorials with Mark Hufford
Several online tutorials with Glenda Kronke
Online tutorial with Gail Stouffer
3 day workshop in Bristol with Barbara Cashman


July 2022

A cosy little self-made pottery shed dedicated to throwing on the Pottery Wheel from the comfort of the back garden and also opposite to the glass studio